Workshops and Speaking Topics
Transformative Learning
Transcultural Relations
Sustainability Education
Basics of Adult Education
Group Facilitation
Keynote Speaker
Transformative Learning | On Sustainability Leadership | Other Topics |Workshops | Group Facilitation
On Transformative Learning:
Online Keynote Address, (2020) . From Separation to Relation: Transforming Higher Education in the Great Epochal Shift. Higher Education Summit 2020: University of Bern, University of Lausanne, Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and ecology, COPERNICUS Alliance – Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, September.
Session Presenter, (2020). Prairie Grass and Fireweed Root: Women's Lifegiving Cultures in the Coming Dark Age. Presented at the National Indigenous Women's Conference, Calgary, Alberta, February.
Keynote (2014). What’s the point of transformative learning? 1st Conference of the ESREA (European Society of Research on the Education of Adults) Network - Interrogating transformative learning processes in learning and education: An international dialogue. Athens, Greece: June 27, 2014
Plenary Panel (2012). What do we know about the role of transformative learning in creating a just and sustainable future? 10th International Transformative Learning Conference. San Francisco, CA: Meridian University.
Keynote (2004). May the Force Be With You: Facilitating Transformative Learning, Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association, Edmonton, Alberta, March.
Keynote (2004). To Give or to Give Not: Critical Thinking to Transform Practice. Association of Fundraising Professionals Luncheon, October.
On Sustainability Leadership:
Online Session Co-Presenter, (2020). Becoming a Net Zero Carbon Community. Session One on Green Energy for Sooke Lifelong Learning Association and Transition Sooke, November.
Video Interview (2012). Looking for Change (explores socio-economic and health impacts associated with inadequate housing in region). Video Series: Affordable Antigonish. Director Deborah Jenkins. Antigonish, NS: ACALATV.
Plenary Speaker (2009). A Climate of Hope: Educating for Sustainability, Climate Change Teach-In, U of A Sustainability Week, Office of Sustainability, October.
Keynote (2008). The Sustainability Revolution: Creating Personal, Community and Ecological Wellbeing. Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, October.
Keynote (2008). Living Sustainably – So Others Might Live. Global Voices Conference. Alberta Council for Global Cooperation. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta, February.
Conference Speaker, (2004, 2003). Toward Life-Giving Work. 10th and 9th Annual Alberta Regional Consultation for Career Development, April/May.
Keynote (2004). Make a Difference: Live and Work Sustainably! Health Canada Lunch and Learn Seminar, Edmonton, Alberta, January.
Keynote (2003). Journey to the Spring of Wellness. Women and Wellness Spring Conference, Sherwood Park, Alberta, May.
Keynote (2003). Voluntary Simplicity: From Having to (Well) Being. Alberta Human Ecology & Home Economics Association (AHEA), May.
Conference Speaker, (2003). Learning from Community Projects, Voices of the Earth Conference, Evergreen Foundation and Voices of the Soil, March.
Conference Speaker, (2002). Voluntary Simplicity: From Having to (Well)Being, Alberta Environment Staff for Environment Week, Clean Air Day, Edmonton, June.
Conference Speaker, (1999). Engaging Citizens in Transforming Working and Living, Building Sustainable Communities Forum, Health Canada, Environment Canada and Alberta Lung Association, Edmonton, Alberta, November.
On Other Topics:
Keynote Speaker, (2011). Trojan Horse or Mutual Transformation?: Rethinking Education in the Development Context. Invitational Symposium on Development Assistance, Edmonton, AB: Alberta Teachers’ Association, March.
Guest Speaker, (2002). Cultivating Vision, Sharing Power: Elements of Critical Leadership, Leadership Edmonton Training Conference, Edmonton, March.
Guest Speaker, (2002). Essential Stories and Critical Leadership, Leadership Edmonton Training Seminar, Edmonton, November.
Workshop (2011). Best Practices in Adult and Sustainability Education. Antigonish, NS: NS Department of Natural Resources.
Workshop (2008). Dynamic Balance: Finding Time for “ME”; Guilt-Free “ME” Time Women’s Retreat. Faculty St. Jean, University of Alberta, February.
Workshop (2008). Understanding Creation Spirituality: The Work of Matthew Fox. Pathways Centre. Edmonton, AB: Robertson Wesley United Church, May. Part of “Greening our Spirits” conference to educate laypeople and church professionals about ecoliteracy.
Workshop (2007-08). Professional Education Workshop: Learning for Sustainability - Education Basics for Alberta Environment. Project Leaders - Clive Callaway and Sarah Weaver Kipp. To build capacity among Alberta Environment staff for engaging the public in environmental education using adult education principles.
Workshop (2007-2008). Crosscultural Collaboration with Immigrant and Newcomer Families. ABC Headstart Early Childhood Literacy. To build capacity among ABC Headstart professionals for relating with newcomer immigrant and refugee families.
Workshops completed and new practices implemented.
Workshop (2007). Workshop Series on Transformative and Participatory Learning Workshops for Refugee and Immigrant Public Legal Education. Edmonton Centre for Equal Justice. To build capacity for public legal education within specific cultural communities. Workshops completed and new practices implemented.
Workshop (2005). Workplace Wellness Series, Health Canada. A four-part series for Human Resources to address workplace stress and burnout issues and facilitate learning work/life sustainability.
Workshop (2002). Transforming Work Toward Sustainability, Annual Conference of the Global, Environmental, and Outdoor Education Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Edmonton. To address workplace stress and burnout issues; learning work/life sustainability.
Workshop (2002). Voluntary Simplicity: From Having to (Well)Being, Sponsored by EcoHouse, International Week 2002: Living as if the Planet Matters, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Workshop. Transforming Working and Living, Annual Conference of the Global, Environmental, and Outdoor Education Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Canmore. To address workplace stress and burnout issues; learning work/life sustainability.
Workshop Organizer, (1998). Building a Moral Economy, Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice. To build knowledge and advocacy skills for social and economic justice.
Workshop (1994). Tree of Life: Your Autobiography and Farming, Living More with Less Annual Conference, Earthkeeping (Christian Farmers’ Federation), Nisku, Alberta. To build critical reflection capacity and deepen commitment to sustainability.
Workshop (1994). River of Life: What Educated YOU about Global Development? Impact Assessment Workshop, Alberta Council for Global Justice, Calgary, Alberta.
Group Facilitation:
Facilitator (2011). “Volunteering Abroad: Your Input, Our Impact!” Invitational Symposium on Development Assistance, Edmonton, AB: Alberta Teachers’ Association, March. To build new directions in international development programming.
Facilitation (2008 and 2007). Steering Committee Annual Planning Day, Community Partnership Enhancement Forum (CPEF) of Edmonton Evergreen Family and Children Support Services (FCSS) and Region 6 Family and Children and Family Services (CFSA), Alberta Government. To assist collaborative inter-agency work.
Facilitator (1998). Alberta’s Changing Social Safety Net and the Global Economy, Church and Society Board, ELCIC, Olds, Alberta.To educate around globalization, changes in the Alberta social safety net and build capacity for local church communities to research and take action impacting public policy.
Facilitation (1994). Challenges in Community Building, “Quest for Community” Annual Dialogue for Development, Change for Children Association, Edmonton, Alberta. Facilitating dialogue about the meaning of community building.