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I acknowledge the law of hospitality that originally greeted newcomers to Turtle Island. I was born and raised on the Indigenous land of the Plains Cree who call themselves Nêhiyawak, or the “four direction people,” says Elder Jimmy O’Chiese. Given this, I am a participant in Treaty 6.
I honour this Land and her peoples and aim to be truthful about colonization and our settler impacts. I am working to help honour the terms of good will and co-existence intended by these treaties, as a practice of decolonization and reconciliation.
I am now privileged to live on the unceded Indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples, including the SC’IANEW, Malahat, Songhees, Esquimalt, and T’Sou-ke. I support the current negotiations for the Te’mexw Treaty, that we may live into the future through right relations.
I humbly acknowledge that the Earth supports all Life through Her generosity and abundance. I am working hard to honour the Original Agreements between the Land and Indigenous peoples, learning to live in harmony and balance, and engage in restorative practices where damage has been done.
Dr. Lange has 40 years of experience as an educator and facilitator of transformative, sustainability, and climate learning, both in formal (K-12; higher education) and nonformal contexts (community adult education).
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